become an oola
life coach

Do you love personal and professional development and have the ambition to build a thriving coaching business? 

Use your passion to help others transform their lives by becoming an Oola Certified Life Coach TODAY!  

Why Oola Life Coaching?

This training and certification get you straight into the life coaching and
personal development industry and will prepare you for a rewarding,
purpose-driven career that can be managed from anywhere in the world.

Turn your passion for personal development into a dream career.

We are a global network of committed coaches  who are devoted to helping others create a life of balance, growth, and purpose.


debbie goth
Becoming an Oola Certified Coach has allowed me to build my dream career!  This is a community where you feel supported and connected.  Oola is a vehicle for change the world so desperately needs. 
coach michelle kalkanare
The difference between Oola and other life coaching companies are the excellent resources, education, and training that are provided each month as well as our outstanding community of coaches.
Rick Schwartz
I searched several life coaching certifications before committing to Oola.  This certification was the best decision I made for my coaching business!  I can serve far greater and deeper than I was able to before, and that has been priceless.

who this is for:

Done For You
Business Building

Building a coaching business from scratch can seem overwhelming.
We’ve taken care of the essentials so you can focus on serving your clients with excellence.
All Program

Marketing Auto-Delivered
to Your Clients

Lifestyle Curriculum
Marketing Campaigns

Support Team

Monthly Training



Is this the
path for you?

We Guide. You Grow.

 Seeking a proven lifestyle framework and system for your clients?
 Ready to take your coaching business to the next level?
 Longing for professional training that supports your vision?
 Tired of feeling alone in business?

of a coach
goes here.

what about changing this section to 3 columns with the 3 simple steps that then apply today button

STEP 1: 
Click the "Apply Today" button
to submit your application

STEP 2: 
Meet with Director of Coaching, Becca Johnson for an interview.

STEP 3: 
Begin your Oola Coaching Certification journey!

Join the community

When you become a Certified Oola Life Coach, you’ll use Oola’s proven framework
to coach people from all walks of life—via private coaching calls and small group settings,
anywhere in the world or in any industry you choose—using professionally written curriculum materials,
knockout audio-visual tools, and beautiful marketing campaigns we’ve developed specifically for your use.
Apply Today
Complete the form below, then we'll be in touch shortly!
Are you an existing life coach in active status?*
What best describes your coaching client preference?*
Tell us a little bit about why you want to be a certified Oola Life Coach.*
Are you currently an Oola Ambassador or Member?*
heather hill
I became a Certified Oola Life Coach with a mission of helping other women discover their purpose and have hope for their future. By coaching women through Oola's Lifestyle Framework, I am able to help them create a life of balance while provided guidance, support, and a system that works.
tiffany Grabinski
Becoming a Certified Oola Coach has given me a replicable framework to help people realize that despite the past, despite barriers, they have everything they need to begin making changes now that will lead to a life they truly desire.
Deanna salles-freeman
I work alongside women to design their best life while providing guidance, support, and a system that takes them from surviving to thriving. I get to validate and be an advocate for survivors of trauma. Becoming an Oola Certified Life Coach was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Can I earn fees by coaching clients using the Oola coaching materials and programs?
Yes! Whether you coach full-time or as a side business, you'll earn 80% of the 10-week Oola Coaching Program—plus even higher percentages when you sell future coaching programs such as debt reduction, divorce recovery, time management, fitness, and more. We only ask to keep a small percentage of sales on our packaged coaching programs to cover our development, technology and administrative costs. And, of course, you can always sell your private coaching services and keep 100% of your hourly fees—plus you'll always keep 100% of your speaking fees if you choose to become a professional speaker or trainer.
Will I get to interact with Oola's Founders — Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl — personally?
Will this help my existing business grow? Can I turn this into a successful new business?
What does being "Certified" mean?
What else can I do with the training I'll receive to become a Certified Oola Life Coach?